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I have created this digital copy of Louisville's First Families and indexed it for presentation on the KYGenWeb State page. After scanning the book for my own reference, I realized that other early Kentucky researchers might also find valuable clues in these pages. Very few references to primary sources are included, but the Floyd Chapters led me to letters written by John Floyd to Wm Preston that were microfilmed as a part of the Draper Manuscripts .
Index of names
A-B C-E F-G H-K L-P Q-S T-ZNancy Trice, KYGenWeb State Coordinator, has offered to add email links for researchers who find family connections in this book. Email Nancy
with the family name and Chapter # and she will list them so that other researchers can contact you. Thank you Nancy!
Researchers with Family Connections to share:
Chapter I - The Bullitt family (part I) -
Frances Palmer Morrison
This is an ancillary line for me - GWW is a younger brother of MY Leonard Anderson Weissinger, both sons of George Weissinger and Winifred Anderson. George Washington WEISSINGER (GWW) who married Amanthus BULLITT is featured in the BULLITT family and their daughter, Blanche WEISSINGER marries Thomas Floyd SMITH whose info can be found in the FLOYD family information. I should perhaps point out that there are some errors in this book- I think? they've mixed up the two GWW - Sr. and Jr.? among other things. and my Weissinger pages which details GWW's ancestry can be found at http://home.ix.netcom.com/~fpm9944/weissngr/weissngr.htmChapter VI - the Pope Family:
Nancy Trice
: Col. John Washington and his wife Anne Pope thru their dau Anne who marr Major Francis Wright.
Chapters XIII & XIV - The Floyd Family I & II:
Renee Bunck
: Abidiah Davis Floyd through her brother Robert Davis who married Jane Joplin(g). Their son, Landon Davis, raised a large family in Casey County, KY. Pat Stevens' nicely documented World Connect site
that includes information about this Davis/Floyd connection "William Floyd and his wife's brother, Robert Davis, Jr." can be found at: http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=stevensp&id=I0724