Kentucky Vital Statistics Records
Kentucky Death Index
Search the entire, up-to-date Kentucky death database.
This one is searchable by many more fields.
It has soundex and metaphone searching
(if you've never tried metaphone, you should!)
There is no maximum limit to the number of results.
Search any Kentucky county or entire state!
Use the Post-Em Notes to tell us who you are researching!
Kentucky Birth Index
This is every recorded birth in Kentucky during
Kentucky Marriages

Actual scanned images of the records brought to you
by the KYGenWeb Project.
Vital Records (including
death records for 1911 through 1992, UK site)
Found a record but don't know what county it is in? Kentucky numeric county finder
RootsWeb's United States Town/County Database Quickly locate what county any city is in!
Did you find a death certificate between 1911-1958 you would like a copy of?
The following libraries have all or part of the 1911-1958 KY Death Certificates on
Need a certified copy from the state of a birth, death, marriage or divorce record, 1911- 1988? You'll find information on the cost and how to order here. Another source for this type of information is found here.
OR, write to Office of Vital Statistics
State Department of Health
275 East Main St.
Frankfort, KY 40601
Print out the form to order a KY record from the KY Archives here
Other Sources
Vital Search
Claims births, deaths and marriages thru 2001 however 2 births in 2001 that I am positive of were not located.
Archives || USGenWeb
Varies county to county and
state to state.
Ancestry Search
Search for early marriages.
Everything is not free at this site.
Search FuneralNet for
funeral homes around the country.
Browning Genealogy Database
in Evansville, Ind. From their homepage:
"The Browning Genealogy Database is the lifetime work of Charles Browning, who
compiled the obituary records of Vanderburgh County and surrounding southwestern
Indiana from the Evansville newspapers: The Evansville Courier, The Evansville
Press, and now The Evansville Courier and Press.
Information on each deceased person listed in the database includes
fifteen categories, encompassing age, date of death, survivors,
funeral information, cemetery, occupation, and activities. This
attention to detail provides a vital community resource and source
for genealogical research. "
Nashville Christian Advocate
Donahue reported on 1/24/2002: I now have online
all eight volumes of Jonathan Smith's death abstracts
from The Nashville Christian Advocate. The volumes
provide abstracts of over 10,000 obituaries, about
15-20% are Kentuckians.
Social Security Death Index
Security Death Index Interactive Search.
Add a note to the record. This is THE ONLY site on
the web that allows you to attach a note to the record to show
corrections to the record. Add yours today! You can also print
out the form with the info already entered for you in order to
request the record from the Social Security office.
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