Published by THE STANDARD PRINTING CO.- Louisville, KY 1920

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A-B  C-E  F-G  H-K  L-P  Q-S  T-Z

Adams, Gilmer Speed        87
Adams, Thomas              87
Alexander, A. J.           105
Alexander, Ann             114,120
Alexander, Dr. Junius B.   145
Alexander, Junius          145
Alexander, Virginia        147,148
Allen, Mary McElroy        88
Allis, Mrs. Ernest         38
Anderson, Anita            53
Anderson, Ann              52
Anderson, Elizabeth        52,53
Anderson, Fred             31
Anderson, Julia            22
Anderson, Mary Martin      56
Anderson, Richard Clough   52
Anderson, Thomas           23
Anderson, Virginia         30
Andrews, Mrs. William O.   146
Atherton, John M.          84
Atherton, Peter Lee        144
Atwood, Lewis R.           116
Atwood, Lizzie             116
Atwood, Mamie              116
Atwood, Robert             116
Atwood, William            116
Ayers, Mrs. James B.       30


Bailey, Annie              51
Baird, Martha              72
Bakewell, Elizabeth        59
Baldwin, Mrs. Barber       137
Baldwin, Mrs. Byron        31
Ballard, Abigail           119
Ballard, Andrew J.         55,119
Ballard, Andrew Jackson    55,63
Ballard, Bland             55
Ballard, Breaux            119
Ballard, Charles T.        55,60,119
Ballard, Fanny             119
Ballard, Fanny Thruston    119
Ballard, Mary              86,119
Ballard, Mina              119
Ballard, Mrs.              61
Ballard, S. Thruston       55,60,61,119
Ballard, Thruston          60
Barbour, Fannie            148
Barbour, Jane Pollock      132
Barbour, Mr. Frank         137
Barker, Jane               84
Barker, Lou                133
Barnes, Allen Ford         147
Barnes, Margaret Ford      147
Barr, Caroline Hancock     94
Barr, Judge John W.        94
Barret, Mrs. Alex Galt     110
Barret, Mrs. Hugh          21
Barton, Austine            86
Bate, Catherine            144
Bate, Clarence             32,144,146
Bate, Dr. James            141,142
Bate, Dr. R. A.            137
Bate, Dr. Richard Alexander 147
Bate, Edward               149
Bate, Ellen                133,148
Bate, Fanny Barbour        147
Bate, Gerard               148
Bate, Gerard Bond          143,144,146
Bate, James Smalley        11,139,141,142,

Bate, John Throckmorton    32,143,144,146,147
Bate,Lucy                  133,144,145,146,148
Bate, Lucy Moore Throckmorton 148
Bate, Margaret             147
Bate, Mr. Virginius        137
Bate, Octavia Zantziger    147
Bate, Octavius             146
Bate, Octavius L.          147
Bate, Philip               148
Bate, Richard Alexander    147
Bate, Robert               144,148
Bate, Susan                144
Bate, Susan Eliza          147
Bate, Susan L. Bond        147
Bate, Susannah Bond        142
Bate, Virginia             148
Bate, Virginia Alexander   148
Bate, Virginius A.         148
Bate, William              148
Bate, Yandell              149
Beckmann, Mrs. Oscar       116
Beckwith, John W.          174
Bell, Annie Garvin         110
Bell, Catherine Gwyn       110
Bell, Elizabeth            110
Bell, Florida              110
Bell, Francis              110
Bell, Garvin               110
Bell, Henry                110
Bell, Jane                 110,172
Bell, Jane Garvin          109
Bell, John                 108,109,110
Bell, John Stuart Bell     110
Bell, Louise               110
Bell, Madeline             110
Bell, Mary Jane            11
Bell, Mary Jennie          110
Bell, Nelchen              110
Bell, Robert               108,109,110
Bell, Sarah Francis        110
Bell, William              109,172
Berry, Anne                126,128
Berry, Col. Francis        136
Berry, Dr. James Thornley  53
Berry, James               136
Berry, Robert Mallory      128
Bingham, Mrs. Sam Young    87
Bingham, Judge Robert W.   61
Bingham, Nina Harlan       94
Bishop, Mrs. Harry         71
Blackburn, Dr. Luke P.     63
Blackburn, Mrs.            65
Blain, Judge Randolph      53
Blain, Misses              53
Bliss, Major William       132
Bodley, Ann Jane           50
Bodley, Judge William S.   50
Bodley, Martha             50
Bodley, Mr. & Mrs. Temple  168
Bodley, Mrs. William S.    49
Bodley, Temple             49,50,163
Bodley, William Stewart    50
Bohannon, Mattie D.        30
Bond, Etta                 51
Bond, Isaac Tyler          51
Bond, James                141
Bond, Joseph               51
Bond, Lewis H.             51
Bond, Susannah             141
Bonnie, Dorothy            42
Boone, Daniel              93,147,155,156
Booth, Alexander Galt      94
Booth, Florence Joyes      94
Booth, Mary                51
Booth, Mrs. Percy N.       94
Bowling, Blanche           171
Bowling, George W.         171
Bowling, J. W.             171
Bowling, Mary              171
Bowling, Pearl             171
Brady, Dr. John A.         135
Breaux, Mina               55,119
Breed, Edwin               117
Breed, George              117
Breed, Lilla               117
Brent, Judge George        136
Brent, Mrs. Jack Langhorne 136
Brodhead, Blandina         49
Brodhead, Lucas            105
Brooke, Anita Berry        53
Brooke, Anita Gray         53
Brooke, Anne Carter        53
Brooke, Colonel Thomas     22
Brooke, Commander Robert   22
Brooke, Elizabeth Washington Berry 53
Brooke, Margaret Lyle      53
Brooke, Mr.                54
Brooke, Mrs.               54
Brooke, Mrs. Robert        136
Brooke, Robert S.          53,54
Brooke, Roberta Spottswood 53
Brookey, Mrs. Francis Veech 107
Brooks, Betty              95
Brown, Amelia              110
Brown, Sarah Lawrence      76,115
Bruce, Mary                31,174
Buchanan, Billy            161
Buchanan, Jane             157,167,168
Buchanan, President        162
Buck, Charles N.           22
Buckner, Mary              114
Bullitt, Alexander         29,30
Bullitt, Alexander Scott   11,18,19,20, Bullitt, Alfred            174
Bullitt, Amanthis          27,30
Bullitt, Ann Amelia        30
Bullitt, Anne              20
Bullitt, Anne Christian    22
Bullitt, Benjamin          32
Bullitt, Benjamin Logan    21
Bullitt, Capt. Thomas      28
Bullitt, Caroline          30
Bullitt, Col. Thomas Walker 21
Bullitt, Cuthbert          11,19,20,22, Bullitt, Dr. Henry M.      22
Bullitt, Elizabeth         22
Bullitt, Emily             30
Bullitt, Helen             21,148
Bullitt, Helen Scott       20
Bullitt, Henrietta         22
Bullitt, Howard            30
Bullitt, Hugh              26
Bullitt, Joseph Neville    31
Bullitt, Juliet            30
Bullitt, Keith             21
Bullitt, Kirwan            31
Bullitt, Major William     28,29
Bullitt, Malcolm           30
Bullitt, Marshall          18
Bullitt, Mary              32,146,174
Bullitt, Medora            30
Bullitt, Minerva Beckwith  174
Bullitt, Mr.& Mrs. C. Malcolm 26
Bullitt, Mr.& Mrs. Cuthbert 27
Bullitt, Mr.& Mrs. Thomas  27
Bullitt, Mrs. Keith        22
Bullitt, Neville           30
Bullitt, Priscilla         22
Bullitt, Sue               21
Bullitt, Thomas            19,27,29,30,52
Bullitt, Thomas W.         18
Bullitt, Virginia          22
Bullitt, William           30,32
Bullitt, William C.        18,20,21,22
Bullitt, William Christian 82
Bullitt, William Marshall  19,21
Bullitt, William Wurts     30
Burbridge, General         29
Burbridge, Mary            29
Burge, Hallie Louise       72
Burwell, Miss              167
Butler, Jane Short         23
Byrne, Harriet             96
Byrne, Major               97
Byrne, Major Edward P.     96
Copyright 2002 Renee Bunck